Galerie Auslage

Die Galerie Auslage ist ein kuratorisches Labor für Kunst, Bücher, Objekte und Ideen.

Im Schaufenster des Ladengeschäfts in der Pücklerstrasse 17/Berlin-Kreuzberg werden wechselnde Auslagen zu den Themen Literatur, Politik und Kunst präsentiert.

Galerie Auslage wird seit April 2020 von der Filmemacherin und Produzentin Alexandra Weltz-Rombach betrieben.


The Gallery Auslage is a curatorial lab for art, books, objects and ideas.

Changing displays on the subject of literature, politics and art are presented in the shop window of Pücklerstrasse 17/ Berlin-Kreuzberg.

Gallery Auslage is organized by the filmmaker and producer Alexandra Weltz-Rombach since April 2020.


Pücklerstraße 17, 10997 Berlin
Mail: auslage [at] parkafilm [.] cc


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Eröffnung/Opening Open Air Display / October 30, 2020, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Götz Holborn / maverick
meanwhile …
curved plate memory storage, mechatronic: 1 bit / sec

A curved plate is the central switching element in mechanical calculating machines, the early computers.
In the days of silent movies, individual scenes were linked by subtitles. To show a parallel montage, for example, the text panel “meanwhile“ appeared.
It is the same with art: while we are looking at it, countless events of more or less importance and meaninglessness happen at the simultaneously.

And what is the meaning of art in this context?

Please register and respect the general Covid rules. Distance, hygiene, mask.


Hanna Frenzel  Ich bin ja eine verdammte Träumerin. // You see, I’m a damn dreamer.

Galerie Auslage Pücklerstrasse 17 Berlin-Kreuzberg  | 11. – 13. September 2020 12-22 Uhr | Eröffnung 10 September 2020 19 Uhr

In September 2020, Galerie Auslage presents »Ich bin ja eine verdammte Träumerin.« – an exhibition by Hanna Frenzel. A rediscovery of the artist, who created a furore especially in the 1980s and 1990s with her performances – and the works representing them: films and photographs.

Aquamoving and Gummoving are projected in the window spaces of the Galerie Auslage, two early cinematic works by Hanna Frenzel, accompanied by a series of stills in the interior of the gallery, which Frenzel presents as prints in 50x50cm format.

Hanna Frenzel was born in Frankfurt am Main, completed an apprenticeship as a lithographer in the 1970s and then studied at the Munich Art Academy. In the late 1970s she moved to Berlin, where she had her first exhibition in 1979 in Mike Steiner’s legendary Studio Gallery. Over the next decade, her works were presented throughout Europe, in Stockholm, St. Petersburg, Copenhagen, Maastricht, Paris, Locarno, Warsaw, Genoa, Milan or Istanbul, at the Biennale di Venezia (1980), at the Munich Metropoles Festival for Video and Film Experiment (1982), at the Sprengel-Museum Hannover (1984), at the Kunstmuseum Bern (1985), at the first international video biennial in Vienna (1985) or then in 1990 at the 13 Tokyo Video Festival, in 1994 at the Berlinale or in 1995 at the Hygiene Museum Dresden. From the end of the 1990s she took up a teaching position at the Institute of Arts in Freiburg. Hanna Frenzel’sworks can be found in public collections such as the Kupferstichkabinett Berlin, the Berlinische Galerie, the Lenbachhaus Munich or the Stuttgart Staatsgalerie.




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